Ouch. That stings.
Rather than coddle ourselves in denial, we need to let this sink in and be stirred to change.
Second Timothy 4:1-2 should be motivation enough. "I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his kingdom: preach the word..." If this does not convince us of our solemn calling before God, we should quit reading this post and start writing our resignation letter.
In light of 2 Timothy 4:1-2, the second Helvetic confession of 1566 makes the most weighty of assertions, "Preaching the word of God is the word of God."
There is not a culture in the world that does not need humble, sacrificial, and earnest proclaimers of God's word. With fire in our bones and tears in our eyes, our world needs to hear messengers who have been gripped by a message that is more important than their very life.
It is sad that I even need to say this, but it must be stated nonetheless.
Preaching is not sharing. Preaching is not dialogue. Preaching is not debate. Preaching is the heralding of the good news of Christ's blood saturated cross to a sin saturated people.
Suggestions and prudential wisdom may be helpful. Three points and a poem may receive a congratulatory acclaim from a religious crowd. But, the gospel, and the gospel alone, can melt the hardened heart.
Our music might create synergy within an auditorium. Our fellowship might create deep connection across generations. Our children's ministry might be good for the kids. But, faithful proclamation of gift righteousness is the sole means by which our churches might lay ahold of it.
Brothers, our counseling is crucial. Our leadership is important. But, if there is no angst in our soul to see our people revel in the glory of God through the proclamation of the gospel, our people are the most to be pitied.