In 2007, Lifeway Research was quoted by USA Today stating, "Seven in 10 Protestants ages 18 to 30 - both evangelical and mainline - who went to church regularly in high school said they quit attending by age 23."
In my mind, two culprits were to blame. Either the shallowness of American evangelical youth ministry (youth pastors who eat live goldfish) or those mainline liberal churches who don't preach the gospel (everyone and everything is welcome...except those exclusive claims about Jesus). As I recall this, I can almost feel the pharisaical curls of my hair growing. Fresh out of seminary in 2008 and heading into a pastoral role that would involve oversight of a student ministry, I knew that we would get better results.
Yet, here I sit, five years later with the utmost need to repent.
A few months ago, I took a hard look at the lives of young adults who came through the various student ministries that I have led. Only 47% are currently involved in a church. Tim Tebow's career completion percentage is better than this.
On a less dour note, the research yielded some important insights into the attributes that were displayed in the spiritual life of the 47%. But, those are for a future article.
If your church took a hard look at the young adults that have come through the ranks, how would your church fare? Not impressions or senses, but cold, hard facts. Does your church produce young adults who follow Jesus or not? What do you think needs to change and why?